
Automobilista 2 V1.5.6.1 RELEASED!

Along with the usual long list for general fixes & improvements,
the new update adds the new Brazilian Stock Car 2024 season &
a completely overhauled F-Ultimate Gen2.

As indicated in the 2024 March Dev Update, both the F-Ultimate
Gen2 and the Stock Car 2024 already feature the V1.6 tire physics
developments with adjusted hysteresis (but only partially revised
thermodynamics & wear) generally speaking the updates tires
should feel slightly "sharper" and less tolerant to sliding than

Check out the full changelog


 Fake Accounts & Spam

Due to many fake accounts and a lot of spam in the forum and the news comments, we have blocked new


If you would like to join our group, please fill out the join us form and let us know wich game you play,

so we can add you to the correct group.

Links: n/a
written by Admin - 07.01.2024 - 11:01
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 Some changes

We changed Server #5 to Le Mans 24h, with the Classes, LMDh/DPi/GTE/GT3/GT4

and on Server #6 (IMSA) we also added the LMDh Class

Links: n/a
written by Admin - 05.01.2024 - 22:45
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 Team ESRC fährt das 24h Rennen auf der Nordschleife

Am 12.-14. Mai fährt das ESRC Team beim iRacing 24h Rennen auf der Nordschleife mit.

Gemeldete Fahrer bis jetzt:
Amir Jalali
Manuel Reuter
Mario Hauer
René Fröhlicher

Verfolgen könnt ihr das Ganze dann auf twitch

Links: n/a
written by Admin - 24.04.2023 - 11:18
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 Ams2 Ranking
Hello Drivers

For AMS2 we develop an external tool which provides :
- a Ranking System on each ESRC server
- all ESRC servers leaderboards publication on and our steam group Sim21
- in game chat commands on each ESRC server
- random cars and tracks server configuration generator on ESRC server #5
- AI strength auto-calibration on ESRC server #5

How does it work?

The ESRC Ranking System :

All ESRC servers are Dedicated and configured to control cars, tracks and session settings so we automate tracks rotation

Each server has its own configuration and different number of tracks which define the ESRC Event, everybody can participate, at anytime!

On each ESRC server, drivers can earn points after a finished race :
  1. Qualify position :
    1. gives 1 point

  2. Race best lap rank position :
    1. gives 1 point

  3. Race position :
    1. gives 10 points
    2. gives 8 points
    3. gives 6 points
    4. gives 4 points
    5. gives 2 points
    6. gives 1 point

  4. Race status :
    1. DNF gives -1 point
    2. Retired gives -2 points
    3. Disqualified gives -10 points

The Leaderboard is saved to our external database and is :
  1. displayed to the in game chat at the end of race or by hitting the chat command !board
  2. published on and visible from the top right Ranking menu
  3. published on our Steam group Sim21

Each earned point from all ESRC servers are saved to our external database for each driver, by server and cumulated from all servers as Experience (EXP). When a driver earn enough EXP, a new Title is unlocked. The first Title is Trainee, after few earned points a step D is reached, which is displayed as Trainee{D}, next step is C, then B, then A before the new Title Rookie, and so on

The Driver Experience rank is displayed to the in game chat when joining any ESRC server, or by hitting the chat command !rank (with the upper and lower rank driver) or !top (the Top 10)

When all races are finished, for each class Leaderboard with at least 2 participants, the first driver earns a Trophy! For each class, a Hall of Fame is visible from the Racers Experience Board

The ESRC Leaderboard publication :

After each finiched race from any ESRC server, we automatically publish the race results, the server Leaderboards by class and drivers EXP :
  1. on
    1. Nordschleife Leaderboards (multiclasses) : server #1
    2. Nordschleife 24h Leaderboards (multiclasses) : server #2
    3. GT3 Leaderboard : server #3
    4. F1 Leaderboard : server #4
    5. Random Cars and Tracks Leaderboards (multiclasses) : server #5
    6. IMSA Leaderboards (multiclasses) : server #6

  2. on Steam group Sim21
    1. Nordschleife Leaderboards (multiclasses) : server #1
    2. Nordschleife 24h Leaderboards (multiclasses) : server #2
    3. GT3 Leaderboard : server #3
    4. F1 Leaderboard : server #4
    5. Random Cars and Tracks Leaderboards (multiclasses) : server #5
    6. IMSA Leaderboards (multiclasses) : server #6

The ESRC servers chat commands :

On each ESRC server, all drivers can use commands to the game chat :
  1. !help
  2. displays all commands

  3. !rules
  4. displays the Event rules : tracks, points ranking, ...

  5. !top
  6. displays the EXP Top 10

  7. !rank
  8. displays the driver rank (with upper and lower rank driver)

  9. !record
  10. displays your track record

  11. !board
  12. displays the server leaderboards, by class

  13. !host
  14. displays the host driver name, who is allowed to use advanced commands

  15. !date
  16. displays the session date and time

  17. !ai
  18. displays the AI strength, the value is from 1 to 100 percent

The host driver can use advanced commands to the game chat :
  1. !next
  2. when the session is started the host can skip it, except the race session which is restarted (game implementation)

  3. !restart
  4. restarts the server which disconnects all drivers and needs few seconds to be displayed back to the lobby, it can be used by the last driver instead of leaving the server to don't increment the track rotation index (game implementation)

  5. !ai
  6. when in the lobby, the AI strength can be set by this command, for example !AI 75 will set the AI strength to 75%

The ESRC server #5 specificities :

The ESRC server #5 use our server configuration generator to automatically reconfigure the server settings :
  1. random car list to discover all the very rich AMS2 content
  2. random track list according to the selected cars : karts will use only kart tracks, other class will use other tracks
  3. date set to the server local date

The server reconfigures automatically its setting after 24h if nobody finished the first race, or after all races of the Event are finished and everybody left the server. At the end of the Event, drivers can restart the Event by finishing the first race, and so the server won't be reconfigured automatically after all drivers leave

At the end of the Event, our external tool computes the AI strength calibration from each class Leaderboard :
  1. if a human driver win the Event then the AI Strength is incremented by 1 (max value is 100%)
  2. if a human driver is on the podium then the AI strength is not changed
  3. else the AI strength is decreased by 1 for each position after the third the human driver is ranked
  4. for example if the first human driver is ranked to the 6th position in a class Leaderboard, then the AI strength auto-calibration will be decreased by 3 (minimum value is 1%) for the next time driver use this class

Links: n/a
written by Admin - 26.01.2023 - 17:47
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 Indianapolis on the IMSA Server

I added Indianapolis to the IMSA Server and also the GTE Class is back☺️

Links: n/a
written by Admin - 22.01.2023 - 21:32
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 Rennfahrer Bieberle 4h Endurance Race

Hier könnt ihr das Replay von RennfahrerBieberle anschauen. iRacing 4Std. Endurance Race auf der Nordschleife.

Links: n/a
written by Admin - 26.04.2022 - 17:34
[1] comment, latest by Rennfahrer Bieberle - 24.04.2023 - 03:04

 F1 2022

We now have the F-Ultimate Gen2 on the F1 Server

Links: n/a
written by Admin - 10.04.2022 - 20:19
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 Automobilista 2 April 2022 Development Update

Greetings Everyone - we are happy to finally be back with our first Development Update of 2022!

To begin with I´d like to apologize for not providing these updates in the early months of the year - for a variety of reasons these have been challenging times during which I´ve been personally less involved with the development of AMS2 than usual, and by extension less engaged with the community to provide you all with the level of information you have been used to.
So let´s try make up for some of that and bring you up to date with what´s going with Reiza and the development of AMS2!

Links: • Read more
written by Admin - 03.04.2022 - 12:10
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 Road America on the IMSA Server Germany

After the latest update of Automobilista2 we

now have Road America on the IMSA server.

Links: n/a
written by Admin - 01.02.2022 - 20:58
[1] comment, latest by buy - 30.03.2022 - 18:21

 Happy New Year!

We wish you all a Happy New Year!

Links: n/a
written by Admin - 31.12.2021 - 14:44
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